Holy Week is an invitation to enter more deeply into the mystery of Christ's love. Find our service times below and prepare for a transformative journey of faith.
Palm Sunday: All normal Mass Times plus 7 am Mass at OLV
Holy Thursday:
7.30 pm Mass at OLV & St Bernadette's
8.00 pm Mass at St Teresa's
Altar of repose at OLV & St Bernadette's until Midnight, until 6 am at St Teresa's
Please note there is no 12.05 pm or 5.30 pm Mass on Holy Thursday.
Good Friday
Way of the Cross: 9:30 at OLV
Office of the Passion: 12 noon at OLV, 3 pm at OLV, St Bernadette's & St Teresa's
Holy Saturday: Please note there is no 9.00 am or 12.05 pm Mass on Holy Saturday.
Easter Vigil: 8 pm at OLV & St Teresa's (Saturday evening)
Easter Day:
6 am Salubong
8 am - St Teresa's
9 am - OLV
10 am - St Teresa's
10:30 am - St Bernadette's
11 am - OLV
5 pm - OLV
NO 7pm at St Teresa's
Reconciliation during the Triduum: Please note we have added extra Confessions during the Tru. These will be available after every Holy Thursday Mass, and from 10am-1pm on Holy Saturday at St Teresa’s.