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Strategic plan

Recognising that the call that Jesus placed on His disciples is our call too, our Parish Mission Statement is


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"

Matt 28:19

Diocesan priorities

In December 2020 Bishop Paul Martin SM proposed the following three Diocesean Priorities, which have shaped our goals and strategies for the Parish.

  • Growing in Holiness

  • Strengthening our Catholic Community

  • Proclaiming the Good News

Our journey

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Pray - why_

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106 Main South Road, Sockburn, Christchurch 8042

 Opening hours  

Tuesday to Friday

 9am - 3:30pm

The Holy Family Parish is committed to promoting and protecting the privacy of all individuals associated with its offices and staff Members, visitors, donors and contractors, and any others.

The Catholic Diocese of Christchurch has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse

Postal address: PO Box 11027, Sockburn 8443

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