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Adult Baptism

Adult Baptism is a beautiful and transformative sacrament in the Catholic faith, where a person makes a conscious decision to be baptised and receive the grace of God. It symbolises a new life in Christ and a commitment to living a life of faith and discipleship. It is never too late to make this choice and experience the joy and peace that come from being part of God's family.

Are you considering Adult Baptism in the Catholic Church?

We are thrilled to hear that and would love to help guide you on your journey of faith.


To take the next step, please call our parish office or email us to schedule an appointment with Fr. Michael Therese.


He will be happy to discuss the process of becoming baptised and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to walking alongside you on this exciting journey!

What is OCIA? 

The OCIA, or Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a program for individuals seeking to become members of the Catholic Church. This program is adapted for children over the age of seven and teenagers.


The OCIA is for those who have never been baptised in any Christian church and those who desire to become Catholic.


The program involves the reception of the three sacraments of initiation, namely Baptism, Confirmation, and the Most Holy Eucharist, for the non-baptised who are suitably prepared. This takes place at the Easter Vigil in their local Catholic parish.


For those already baptised in another Christian church, can be welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church following a period of preparation by receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and the Most Holy Eucharist.

Adult baptism is a sacrament

It is one of the seven sacraments recognised by the Catholic Church, and it signifies a person's entrance into the Church.

It involves water and the Holy Spirit

Baptism is typically performed by pouring water over the head of the person being baptised or immersing them in water. Through this act, the Holy Spirit cleanses the person of their sins and welcomes them into the Church.

Preparation is required

This period of preparation is also known as the catechumenate and it can last from several months to a few years. During this time, the person seeking baptism learns about the Catholic faith, participates in prayer and worship.


Baptism is rich in symbolism, representing a spiritual rebirth and a washing away of sins. The white garment and the candle given to the newly baptised symbolise their new life in Christ and the light of faith.


Adult candidates for baptism may choose godparents, who serve as spiritual guides and mentors in the faith.

Post-baptismal Life

Baptism is not the end of the journey but the beginning. Newly baptised adults are called to live their faith actively and participate fully in the life of the Church, including attending Mass regularly, receiving the sacraments, and serving others in love.

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