From Darkness to Light
Parish Retreat
24 - 26 June 2022
We are excited for our inaugural Parish Retreat.
It will be a time for renewal and refreshment,
to build community and grow in faith, to relax, and to celebrate.
For those 18+
A preached retreat led by the Brothers in the
beautiful surrounds of Wainui, Banks Peninsula
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness
but will have the light of life.
Retreatants will gather at 12pm Friday 24 June (Matariki Public Holiday) and we will bus to Wainui. You will be returned by bus in time for the 11am Mass at OLV on Sunday 26 June.
There are two types of accomodation available: bunk share (rooms with two to four sets of bunks with ensuite) $150, or twin share (two beds with ensuite) $175.
We do not wish anyone to miss out on the retreat because of financial constraints, so please contact Marie office@christchurchwest.org.nz if you require financial assistance.
TO REGISTER fill in the form below (it may take a few seconds to appear)
Select the type of accommodation you wish
and enter the number of participants you wish to register,
THEN scroll down to enter contact details, medical and dietary needs etc
THEN click "next"
THEN enter billing details and click "bank transfer"
(payment will not be taken, you will simply be given details of the parish bank account)
FINALLY click "register"