Our Parish
We are a Catholic Parish run by the Community of St John in the Diocese of Christchurch.
Recently, in order to better help all discover the beauty, goodness and truth of Jesus Christ, our Bishop joined three parishes together to make this new Parish, which was temporarily called 'Christchurch West' and now it is called "Holy Family".

Our vision
A Catholic Parish where fellowship with Christ and one another brings us such joy it's contagious. Therefore, growing in friendship with Christ, thousands find their place in him and his mission and are equipped to transform the world.
What we do
Through the sacraments, service and study we grow spiritually so that our prayer might resonate into our whole life and the lives of others.
Find your faith
Life is a process of constant growth. This journey implies that we are constantly learning, sometimes struggling, there are joys and there are many other milestones that we all go through. The first thing though that we all need to grasp is why be a Catholic, so that we can know where we are going.